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The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen – Aliens

Get away from her, you bitch! This week on The Best Movies You’ve Never Seen podcast we’re watching Aliens, starring Sigourney Weaver and directed by James Cameron.

Aliens is the action-packed sequel to Alien (directed by Ridley Scott) which sees Ripley return to the planet where she first encountered the alien.

She learns there are now humans living there – but they’ve lost all contact with them and accompanies a team of Marines to investigate.

Stephen saw Aliens in the cinema at the premiere screening in Sydney and has had regular rotation ever since with a preference for the longer special edition.

Naturally, Trevor has not seen it before – not usually his cup of tea – but what does he think of it?

We go through the memorable scenes and share some interesting facts, behind the scenes tidbits, trivia, fact v fiction and other things you don’t know about the film.

You can listen to the show on the player below.

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