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How To Make A Mobile-Friendly Website For Your Business

Having a mobile-friendly website is important for running a good business website. It is because the internet usage of smartphones exceeds desktop usage. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that the website of the business is optimized for the mobile experience. According to a recent survey, 50% of the consumers do not bother returning to a website if it does not load on their device for the very first time. Having a mobile-friendly website ensures that the customers are able to interact with the business on a go. Here are a few tips to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. 

1. The font size and button size should be perfect

For surfing any website on a mobile phone, it is important that the font size and button sizes are perfect. It is recommended to have a font size of 14 px or bigger. This will ensure that the reader does not have to zoom in on the content of the website, again and again, to make it readable. Further, the different button sizes including the WhatsApp button for contacting the business which might feature the WhatsApp DP of the business should be large enough that it is visible to the website visitor. 

2. Use responsive website design 

A responsive website design is known to cut some slacks for the website developers. A responsive website design ensures that the web page identifies the screen orientation of the screen of the device of the website visitor and accordingly aligns the layout and size of the content. A good responsive design also improves in boosting the traffic of the website by making it easily shareable with other people. 

3. Use high-resolution photos. 

All the Cool Photos that you include on the website needs to be of high resolution to improve the experience of the visitor. A good high-resolution image ensures that when the website is viewed on a high-definition screen, it does not appear pixelated or blurry. A pixelated image can make the website look extremely unprofessional. 

4. The website needs to be well-developed 

A weak website is never recommended for any product or service easily. What is the use of having a call-to-action button that appears so tiny on a smartphone that it cannot be activated? This can impact the rate of conversions. You need to ensure that the website is well-developed for the visitors to get the maximum benefit out of them.  

5. The pages need to load quickly 

Smartphone users who use mobile data to access a website will have a slower internet connection. It, therefore, becomes important to ensure that the web pages load quickly even if it is running on low internet connectivity. It is recommended to run a page speed test and make the necessary changes to ensure that the website is not heavy on the data plan of the user and subsequently, load quickly on their smartphone. 

6. Keep a short navigation menu 

A complicated navigation menu with plenty of pages and subpages is a disaster for the user as it makes it harder to find what they really want to. Therefore, the navigation menu needs to be kept short and simple to ensure that the users are able to navigate smoothly through the website. 

7. Avoid flash animations 

Flash effects and animations do not work for smartphones. If you include a flash animation on the website, chances are that a large chunk of the website visitors will not be able to see what is included in it and it might also give an impression that the website is not working properly. Therefore, try to avoid flash animations as much as possible. 

It is a common mistake to make a second website especially suitable for a smartphone but this mistake needs to be avoided at all costs. Having a second website for the smartphone will result in duplicate content and Google is not a huge fan of duplicate content and this can impact the SEO of the website too. 

After the website for the computer is designed, it is a good idea to have a look at the newly launched website from a smartphone too to ensure whether there is an inconvenience or not. All the inconvenience that a user can experience while running a website on a smartphone needs to be fixed. Another tip for creating content for ensuring a mobile-friendly experience is to use big blocks of text with proper paragraphs.