Modern technology gives us many things.

Your NBN plan might be getting cheaper – and here’s why

Your NBN plan just might be getting cheaper thanks to the NBN’s proposed variations to its Special Access Undertaking being accepted by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

At the very least there won’t be a price increase for a little while.

Wholesale pricing for entry level 25Mbps plans and 100Mbps plans or faster services have been reduced.

Connectivity Virtual Circuit (CVC) bandwidth charges will be removed for services of 100Mbps and above from December 1 with CVC charges to also end for all other services by July 2026.

And 12, 25 and 50Mbps fixed line and fixed wireless wholesale speed tiers have also been capped at $55 regardless of the amount of data being used.

The Special Access Undertaking approval comes after more than two years of negotiations between the NBN, broadband retailers, ACCC and the Federal Government.

The proposal has also introduced a freeze on annual price increases in NBN’s average wholesale price that would go over and above regular Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases.

Some providers have already dropped their NBN plan prices.

Aussie Broadband was first out of the gate when it reduced its NBN Home Ultrafast plan (1000/50Mbps) from $149 down to $129.

Aussie Broadband was also lobbying to have high speed Internet available to more customers and more affordable which is exactly what the revised SAU supports.

The ACCC said these changes would protect customers from larger price rises in the future with the NBN agreeing to limit the proportion of the money it wants to recoup from the network.