Modern technology gives us many things.

Coronavirus Australia app and WhatsApp group launched to provide latest information

The Federal Government has launched a coronavirus information app and WhatsApp group which puts in one place all the information people need to now as we deal with the COVID-19 crisis.

The Coronavirus Australia app is available now on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Search for Coronavirus Australia.

The WhatsApp group can be accessed here:

The app contains information like symptoms, how to protect yourself and others, social distancing and the latest rules on public gatherings.

There is also a guide to the symptoms of coronavirus including fever, flu-like symptom, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath.

Also onboard the app is a register for those currently self-isolating to give the government an idea of the community experiences across Australia.

Users will also find an information page with the latest announcements and directives directly from the government departments.

One issue is people taking inaccurate and fake news and information shared on social media as the truth.

This official app has all of the information you need as soon as it is made available.

It is free from the App Store and the Google Play Store.

The WhatsApp group has a list of options for Australians to receive the latest news, latest numbers, how to protect yourself along with support for business and advice from states and territories.

Users simply have to reply with the corresponding numbers or emojis to receive more information of that particular subject.