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Parse Resumes with Export Emails to Google Sheets

As a hiring manager or HR professional, you know that managing resumes can be a daunting task. With the influx of job applications and resumes, it can be challenging to keep everything organized and easily accessible. That’s where Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ comes in. This powerful tool can help you parse resumes and manage your hiring process more efficiently.

What is Export Emails to Google Sheets?

Export Emails to Google Sheets is an application developed by cloudHQ LLC that allows you to parse emails and extract valuable information from them. It offers a wide range of features, including backup of emails in Gmail labels, continuous export/sync of Gmail labels, sophisticated email parser, export and enrich contacts from emails, find bounced email addresses, management of email attachments, and email analytics.

To better understand how this tool can be used to parse resumes, let’s dive into some of its key features.

Automatic Resume Parsing and Management

Export Emails to Google Sheets can automatically find all resumes in your inbox and save relevant data to a Google spreadsheet. The export will automatically extract information such as Name, Phone number, Email Address, Location, LinkedIn URL, Portfolio URL, University and education level (BS, MS, PhD), Graduation year, Majors, GPA, Years of experience, Last job title, Last company, Years of experience, and Resume Summary.

The resumes will be automatically saved into your Google Drive and nicely organized by candidate name, job title, and location. Export Emails to Sheet will ensure that your Google Spreadsheet will automatically be updated as soon as you receive a new resume.

How to Use Export Emails to Google Sheets for Resume Parsing

There are two ways to parse and extract emails using Export Emails to Google Sheets:

  1. Adhoc way – directly from Gmail: Just select an email and click on the “export to sheets” button. This allows you to quickly save emails to a spreadsheet.
  2. Create a continuous job: You can select a label or search query, and the application will create a job that monitors the emails matching the query or label. As soon as a new email is detected, it will be parsed and added to the spreadsheet.

By using these methods, you can easily manage and organize resumes in a more efficient manner.

Benefits of Using Export Emails to Google Sheets for Resume Parsing

There are several benefits to using Export Emails to Google Sheets for parsing resumes:

  • Save time: Automatically parsing resumes saves you the time and effort of manually extracting information from each resume.
  • Stay organized: All resumes and extracted information are neatly organized in a spreadsheet, making it easier to review and compare candidates.
  • Collaborate with your team: Share the spreadsheet with your team members and collaborate on the hiring process.
  • Keep your data secure: Export Emails to Google Sheets follows best practices to ensure your data remains private and secure.


Managing resumes can be a challenging task, but with the help of Export Emails to Google Sheets, you can parse resumes and streamline your hiring process. By automatically extracting valuable information from resumes and organizing it in a Google spreadsheet, you can save time, stay organized, and collaborate with your team more effectively. To learn more about what an email parser is and how it can benefit your business, check out this article on what is an email parser.