Modern technology gives us many things.

Voice Viper lets you control your home just by talking

voiceviper2We’ve all heard of home automation controlled with smartphones and tablets but a new product called Voice Viper lets you take control just by talking.

The device connects to an existing control system like Crestron, AMX and Control4 and allows users to create a truly hands-free experience.

It’s possible to take control of lights, shades, climate control, security systems as well as audio-visual systems by telling the system what you want to do.

Microphones for the Voice Viper can be located wherever the user requires hands-free control instead of the usual method of access and control through a remote control or touchpad.

And unlike other voice controllers in the market, Voice Viper is always listening for a command and doesn’t require the voice recognition system to be activated manually from a separate controller.

The always-on system can even block out ambient noise to focus on the command being issued.

The Voice Viper module

Voice Viper recognises natural language commands like “set the alarm”, “open the shades”, “turn on the projector”, “turn off the lights”, “dial the Melbourne office” and “make it warmer”.

The product can be set to recognise key trigger phrases as well to avoid accidental commands.

The fact that Voice Viper is a hands-free tool also makes it a handicap-friendly tool that can help promote independent living.

Voice Viper requires professional installation and is hardwired to your existing control system.

It is priced $3999 and available from Advance Audio Australia.

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