Modern technology gives us many things.

4 Reasons Why Every Business Should Opt For Smart Energy Meter in 2022

From your auto to your phone to your TV to your wristwatch, everything is going “smart” these days. But what about your business? If you haven’t yet heard about smart energy meters, you should definitely check out this revolutionary new way to provide electricity for business. 

Unlike your current analogue electricity meter, a smart meter contains a two-way digital communication system that records your business’s electrical energy usage every 30 minutes and automatically sends this up-to-date information to your electricity provider. You also have access to this information via the meter’s digital readout.

Here are just four ways in which a smart energy meter can benefit your business.

1. Save Money

Your electrical bill undoubtedly represents one of your business’s major costs. A smart meter can help you save money in a number of ways, including the following:

  • Provides you with more accurate electrical usage data
  • Allows you to change behaviours to reduce energy
  • Allows you to budget more effectively and set realistic energy spending goals
  • Allows you to manage and lower energy costs across multiple sites

2. Understand and Control Your Business’s Energy Usage

Naturally, the installation of a smart meter at your business won’t save you money in and of itself. You will need to be proactive in using the data a smart meter gives you. For instance, depending on which type of tariff your business is under, electricity charges change depending on when you’re using energy. If your smart meter shows that you’re using the most electricity during peak periods, you can use this information to test ways in which to reduce this prime time usage, spreading it to off-peak times instead.

For instance, you could implement new business policies for turning off computers during lunch time or other times when they’re not in use. You could likewise insist that lights be turned off in any room or area where they’re not necessary. Such seemingly small changes can make a big difference in the amount of your energy bills. In addition, the real-time information you get from a smart meter makes it easy to quickly determine if, and to what extent, your cost-cutting efforts are working, thereby making it easier to obtain employee buy-in.

If your business has several locations, you know how difficult it can be to obtain a clear and accurate picture of each site’s productivity and costs. However, without this information, it’s nearly impossible for you to maintain control over your entire enterprise or make long-range plans.

This is another area in which installing smart meters that monitor your electricity for business at each and every location can save you time and therefore money. The up-to-the-minute data your meters provide you makes it easy for you to see which site is using electricity when. In fact, most smart meters allow you to pinpoint the usage of each piece of equipment. This vital granular information, in turn, makes it easier for you to effectively strategies your business processes and, if necessary, make operational changes 

3. Pay No Up-Front Costs

Another benefit of smart meters is that you pay no up-front fees for either the meter or its installation. Your energy distributor installs the smart meter and sends all relevant information to your electricity retailer. Your initial costs then become spread over time through your electric bills. Under no circumstances, however, are you ever billed for the electricity it takes to run your smart meter.

4. End Estimated Bills

You’ll never receive another estimated electric bill once you have a smart meter installed for your business. This alone saves you a good deal of worry over unexpectedly high end-of-year “catch up” bills.

All in all, a smart meter just makes good business sense — and good dollars and cents for improving your bottom line.