Modern technology gives us many things.

Australians didn’t skip their exercises during winter according to research by Peloton

Australians didn’t slacken off with their exercise during the chilly winter months according to research by connected fitness platform Peloton which is celebrating its first anniversary in Australia.

The study, called The Motivation That Moves The Nation, showed 84 per cent of Australians didn’t shirk their exercise in winter with half of the country being always or often motivated to brave the chilly weather.

Peloton has made it possible for members to work out from home instead of visiting a gym or leaving their home.

This practise suited our lifestyles in the last two years because many of us were working from home as well and would have been unable to visit a gym even if we wanted to.

The research went against the belief that Australians are just fair weather trainers and are more active in the warmer months.

But, surprisingly, nearly half of Australians (47 per cent) admitted to prioritising socialising over exercise in summer.

In fact, going to the beach (48 per cent), drinking with friends (42 per cent), going out to dinner (39 per cent) and lying in the sun (31 per cent) were the more popular options among respondents than exercising in summer.

Two thirds of Australians (65 per cent) in the study view exercise as a way to motivate themselves in other areas of their lives including feeling positive (79 per cent), energised (68 per cent) and improving their mood (55 per cent).

Sticking to a routine is what also keeps Australians motivated and hopping out of bed on a cold morning.

Among those respondents who prioritise their fitness daily, 57 per cent would go to great lengths to make sure they fit a workout into their day even if it’s a quick 10-minute session.

 “Like everyday Australians, I too can relate to how the slightest inconvenience to your schedule can impact your motivation to exercise and stay fit during winter,” says Libby Trickett, international sporting icon and Peloton Australian Member.

“I’ve been using the Peloton Bike+ and App since October last year, and as a busy mum and lover of fitness, it’s the right option for me as it gives me the ability to structure my workouts when and how I want.

“With Peloton, I find myself working out while the kids do their homework, or after I put them to bed, as these otherwise traditionally unconventional hours to exercise are now made possible with Peloton.

“Motivation is never lacking when you have the support of an inspired community cheering you on, and with the most motivating Instructors and unrivalled music, Peloton gives me the ability to tailor my workouts to suit my mood and time constraints, choosing from a 5-minute meditation to a 20-minute yoga class or even a 45-minute bootcamp.”

Peloton is one of many digital fitness providers who have recognised the shift in Australian behaviour after providing the convenience of live an on-demand guided exercise sessions.

Amanda Gilmore, Country Manager, Peloton Australia, said: “The rise of at-home workouts has kept Australians motivated and accountable, not only during the pandemic, but throughout the winter months and beyond. Peloton supports Australians with their lifestyle and fitness goals by providing the three C’s; dynamic content, a diverse community and personalised convenience to support their individual fitness needs.

“In the last year, Peloton’s Australian Members have completed 1.95 million workouts, with cycling leading in popularity and accounting for over half (1.02 million) of classes taken.

“Other fitness modalities such as yoga, pilates, strength training, outdoor running and boxing followed closely behind (925,000), demonstrating the value that Australians receive when using our connected fitness experience.”